7 Link-Building Tips That Long-Term Care Brands Should Know

7 Link-Building Tips That Long-Term Care Brands Should Know
ED Link-Building Tips For LTC Brands

Most prospective clients rely on Google search engine results to find the needed services. Long-term care (LTC) brands must increase search engine rankings to enhance visibility and win market share. Link-building is one of the most effective methods of appearing on the first page of the search engine and attracting a significant amount of organic traffic.

Building organic links is a difficult task in the field of SEO. Long-term care link-building is even more difficult. You must deal with strict regulations, high competition on search engine results, and life-changing subjects that are too sensitive to reveal.

Why Link-Building Is Important For LTC Facilities

Link-building is obtaining links from other websites that link to you. Think about inbound links as votes for your content.

Increase Referral Traffic

Effective link-building techniques help you generate traffic from other websites. That happens when internet users click on the backlink, redirecting them to a page within your website.

Improve Domain Authority

Search engines prefer sites that are helpful to internet users. If credible and reputable organizations add a link to any content within your website, the authority of your domain will improve. This will increase trust from both the target audience and search engines.

Enhance Site Visibility

With high domain authority, you will rank higher for more keywords in search engines. This will enhance the visibility of your long-term care brand and will result in increased traffic.

7 Link-Building Tips That Long-Term Care Facilities Should Know

The success of your link-building strategies relies on the following actions:

1. Blogging Outreach

To boost your website’s link profile, consider contributing expert content to well-known LTC industry websites. Reach out with a thoughtful topic pitch. If accepted, you can bring readers to your page through the backlink embedded in the post. Blogger outreach is an effective way of earning quality links that will help strengthen its SEO value.

Difficulty: Hard

Blogging outreach requires you to invest tens of hours in two to three months to obtain a quality placement. You need to shortlist the potential placements, reach out to all of them (and receive very little response), negotiate/brainstorm on the topic and finally create assets for activation.

Insider Tip: Famous bloggers receive tons of spam emails and tend to disregard them. We suggest using LinkedIn and building connections with bloggers before emailing them for the first time.

2. Have an FAQ Section

LTC facilities looking to incorporate SEO into their digital marketing strategy should consider building an FAQ section. Most searches start with a question. For example, when people search for senior living facilities, the main thing they’re looking for is a nearby location.

FAQs put your site in a prime position as a reliable source of information for long-term care queries on Google searches.

Difficulty: Easy

You can gather good questions for the FAQ section using your expertise or external tools such as AnswerThePublic and SEMRush for keyword research. Your business will be prominently featured in search results by incorporating honest, high-quality content into the page structure.

3. Use EDU Hyperlinks

It is crucial to enhance website authority and SERP positioning to appear on Google’s first page. Link-building is an essential strategy for achieving this goal.

Edu backlinks are particularly beneficial due to their increased trustworthiness in the eyes of Google as experts, authorities, and reliable sources.

Acquiring .edu domains provides an essential signal from one site or content piece promoting another, showing mutual respect between sites, which will generate higher SEO rankings when done correctly.

Difficulty: Medium or Extremely Hard

Obtaining .edu links can be relatively easy, depending on the type, such as through a scholarship submission. However, it can be challenging if your goal is to have an institution cite your research.

4. Utilize the Local Directory Listing

Making the right connections can impact your LTC facility’s success. To ensure you build solid backlinks, take advantage of online directory sites offering high domain authority. Register your business with relevant information, such as website links or social media platforms.

Excellent local directory listing boosts search engine optimization while giving potential customers an easy way to find out more.

Difficulty: Easy

It’s a fairly straightforward process that shouldn’t take more than a few work days.

Insider Tip: Directory links are the original black hat links and can be spammy. DO NOT hire someone to build thousands of directory links. At best, it will be a waste of money. At worst, it will hurt your rankings.

5. Unlinked Brand Mentions Count

When it comes to SEO, links from authoritative sites are precious. Unlinked brand mentions are when your brand is mentioned on published websites but with no clickable website link attached. While Google gives some recognition for unlinked addresses, that’s only a scratch at the surface. Luckily, it’s a way to become recognized as an authority site.

Always take prompt action with unlinked brand mentions and request those links. Doing so will provide greater credibility and trustworthiness, which should be recognized in today’s competitive marketplaces.

If a website mentions your brand, they see value in your service, product, or perspective.

Difficulty: Medium

If you are active with your marketing, especially PR, chances are that someone will mention your brand.

Insider Tip: If you don’t have specialized tools to monitor your brand reputation, at least use Google Alerts to ensure you know immediately if someone mentions your brand online.

6. Use Quality Infographics

Infographics provide an efficient and creative way to communicate complex messages. Not only can infographics capture viewers’ attention, but they are also beneficial for SEO ranking when incorporated into external websites.

Difficulty: Easy

You will need to gather useful content and resources to design it. Yet as far as link building goes, this is one of the easiest methods.

Insider Tip: Infographic links have a minimum effect on Search Engine rankings. Think firstly about humans and infographics you can use for other marketing channels. For example, if you are creating an infographic for Lead Magnet Purposes, it is worthwhile to invest in it. Creating an infographic solely for submission to infographic websites won’t yield any results.

7. Invest in Video Content

Unleash the potential of video content to captivate your audience and generate positive engagement. Embedding videos into blog posts or web pages boost interactivity within your site while subtly reinforcing a know, like, and trust relationship with viewers. You could even dare ask for links directly to your videos from referenced authors – nothing ventured, nothing gained after all.

Video-enriched blog posts increase the chance of a website ranking at the top of Google’s search results. Video content adds value to readers and boosts on-page time – an essential metric for achieving higher rankings.

Difficulty: Easy

This is under your control, and video production these days is not as expensive as it was.

Insider Tip: Videos can take a lot of time and, thus, resources. Creating one long-form content per month and then dividing it into small pieces works well. For example, you can record 30 min interview with an expert and then use the quotes to generate smaller videos.

The Bottom Line From Roman Agency

In addition to understanding the technical aspects of link building, the most significant resource spent is time.

Instead, consider hiring us. We will do it efficiently and let you concentrate on what you do best. It will save time and, therefore, money.

Last Updated: June 28, 2023

Disclaimer: We are a marketing company, not a legal one. Nothing in this article constitutes legal advice; all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. 

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